the dollars era is about to an end just because dollar is the vehicle currency of the world so every nation wants to have a huge reserve of dollar for their foreign trade & some other contigency but this can happen only when america lies in trade deficite and now in present scenario the american economy is not doing well they need huge amount of dollars but due to some currency wars threy are unable to get it and as well as not abe to depriciate it and this is the era of rising two most powerfull countries of east india and china and analyst says that in coming years there will be 300% appreciation in the currency of brick countries thats why chinese and russian and indian thinking about the drawee system and imf is also thinking to start it once again
now american also ready for the special drawing reserve in which there wiill be a reserve of basket of mainly four major currency american dollar euro japanese yen and pound of britain proportion wise so dollar will soon replace from the vehicle currency status
the proportion will be like around 41% of dollar 37% of euro 9% of yen and 11% of pound